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Non Profits in sweden part 1 : for those lookng for activities with families


The 4H Organization in Sweden, commonly referred to as Svenska 4H, is a non-profit educational youth organization primarily focused on practical and hands-on learning experiences related to agriculture, animal care, and environmental sustainability.

The organization follows the guiding principles in the 4 H's: Huvud (Head), Hjärta (Heart), Händer (Hands), and Hälsa (Health). These principles reflect its commitment to fostering intelligent thinking (Head), encouraging kindness and loyalty (Heart), promoting active learning (Hands), and maintaining physical and mental well-being (Health). They have family friendly farms and agricultural classes available for all.

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Svenska Turistföreningen (STF) is the largest tourism organization in Sweden founded in 1885. It is a member-based non-profit organization committed to making nature and culture accessible to everyone.

STF offers a network of hostels, mountain stations, and mountain cabins throughout the country, providing information on hiking trails, nature experiences, and cultural activities, as well as organizing trips and tours at very valuable member prices that nowhere else can beat.

One of STF's most notable contributions is the maintenance of the well-known hiking trail, Kungsleden (The King's Trail), in the northern part of Sweden. This trail attracts thousands of hikers from around the world each year.

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