Pick your adventure, Celebrate our heritage: Help a cause for good!

Explore new places, Impact more: Your Tour Purchase Fuels Nonprofit Efforts for a Vibrant Community!

Learning about others while giving back to community

It all started when one of our team members was interning at a local nonprofit organization in Stockholm, Sweden. The organization noticed many from international background are interested in the cultural heritage and environmental conservation stories in Sweden, yet had a hard time finding information in other languages.

To attract international audiences and possibly more interests in the nonprofits’ goals, This website was built to help the nonprofits to spread their words and efforts while also bringing the adventures to the tourists, immigrants, and newcomers to Sweden.

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Nonprofit Information

In the context of culture and tourism in Sweden, a number of non-profit organizations are making considerable strides towards achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For example, Skansen, the world's oldest open-air museum, also plays a role. As a non-profit, Skansen contributes to the SDGs of Sustainable Cities and Communities, Quality Education, and Responsible Consumption and Production by educating visitors on Swedish history and culture, practicing sustainable operations, and preserving traditional crafts and trades. For more information, please visit our blog page with a click of a button below.

How we help with SDGs

Our travel app aligns closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, serving as a tangible tool for their realization. By partnering with local nonprofits, we help promote:

SDG 1, No Poverty
SDG 4, Quality Education
SDG 8, Decent work & growth
SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals